Monday, April 26, 2010

Even though my dreams of sugar and spice and everything nice are now shot, at least he's cute.

For now.

Anyone have any name ideas? We need a backup and a middle name since I have been busy making girlie plans for a girlie room because I was positive that was what we were having. And I have left boys names in the dust under the scientific assumption that "it just feels like a girl" so why brainstorm things like Joe and Bob when there are names like Vanessa and Rebbecca out there?

I'll tell you why.

Because I like to think I'm one of those people with intuition and a sixth sense and even though I can't remember who the secretary of state is, at least I can psychoanalyze why hoarders bury themselves alive in books and vases and containers and ridiculous purses and silk flowers (seriously?) and just stuff and tell the difference between a boy and a girl in my belly.

Don't ever ask me for advice, I'm wrong a lot.


  1. My intuition failed too...and I've had a very good track record on baby-to-be gender!
    And look at his cute little go with his BIG feet!!

  2. How about Patrick? Good Strong Irish Catholic Name! Not to mention you have an awesome cousin named Patricia.

  3. At least now I know what colors to make his quilt! And two boys and two girls make a perfect family!

  4. Good luck on the name game, we had a hard time agreeing on both our kids names :)

  5. How about William (Willy) Patrick?

  6. I know--Timothy Donald or Donald James!

  7. Finally! Now Daniel can have a brother.

  8. So far I've got a good track record of predicting what other people are going to have... but with my second, I was positive I was carrying a boy so when the ultrasound showed a girl, I asked the techs if they were sure. Needless to say, they're the experts. Good luck with name ideas!
