Thursday, July 30, 2009

Be forewarned, I'm too lazy and too tired to write much. (I know, what else is new) But we had a lovely (albeit exhausting) summer day and I want to remember it.

So I'll do what I always do and just stick up a bunch of pictures. (hey, I never said I was good at this)

We spent the day at Grandma's to enjoy the company of our relatives a little more before some of them return to beautiful New Mexico. (not to worry guys, you'll not see your mugs published today. I'll take a break... for now)

I was pleased and skeptical when I caught these two playing so nicely together. Turns out, I underestimated them today. They were very well behaved all afternoon. I don't recall needing to raise my voice, other than to tell them to quiet down a little. (yes, I see the irony)

We had a really nice lunch and a happy little visit from Aunt Mary's (and mom's) friend, Molly. What a great gal and a fun story teller. She's one of those people I could listen to all day.

Poor Inga, she doesn't know what to do with herself when there are so many people in the house. (except lay right in the spot that gets the most traffic)

This is a carriage block from a really long time ago on my old street. I used to pretend I was Mary Poppins and jump off this with an imaginary umbrella. Thank goodness I never searched for anything higher to get a better effect. (no, that will be what Daniel tries when I'm not looking)

This is the street I grew up on. I walked this sidewalk to the bus stop, to get snacks from the quick shop at the end, and I learned to ride a bike on this slightly crooked path. It makes me feel a teeny bit fuzzy to see my kids playing on it too.

After a delicious supper of pulled pork, corn on the cob, a fantastic cole slaw salad and too many kinds of brownies for dessert, we walked to a nearby water park/playground.

I love pictures with water in them.

The kids had so much fun they forgot that they don't get along half the time. They played with their (second?) cousins who are a teeny bit older. Ashley, Dustin and Krista have become practically celebrities in the eyes of my kids. Already as we were preparing for bed my oldest two were asking me when we would see them again.

I'm exhausted. But it's the really good kind. So I'll take it and I'll look forward to the next time mom's sister and her family come back around.

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